Happy December!
This past weekend we were out to support a local toy drive. Located at Logan High School, we arrived there with our toys and hung out, talking to other teams, and eating from the food truck that was there. Despite the ugly weather, there was a decent turn out and the atmosphere was fun. We decided for this meet to decorate are cars a little bit for the holidays. We wanted to do something different and fun. We used Christmas lights on some cars and decorated others with garland, gift wrapped boxes, candy canes, stuffed animals, and ornaments. There were a lot of toys that were donated by all those who attended. I think there were over 5 tables full of toys with things ranging from hot wheels, Legos, clothing, sports equipment, and books. There were a handful of teams that came out to support, including Team Rev, High Octane Tuners, Onpoint, ATS Garage, Plus 1, Endless Projects, Euro Projects, Final Stage, LakofSpeed etc. There were a variety of cars too! We saw BMW's, Nissan's, Honda's, Acuras, Volkswagen's, Lexus's, Toyota's, and even a classic Porsche! Overall it we had a fun time and even got a chance to take a close look at the Fatlace R35! Here are some pictures taken at the event. Thanks to Duy Euro for all the pictures! Hope you enjoy them!
- t.h.e.
The Higher Echelon showing our support at the Holiday Toy Drive :] |
One segment of the donation table! |
Onpoint doing it big! Check out their donation cart! |
Bryan's MR2 has that holiday spirit! |
Got Camber? Dave's V8 beast! |
Ed's sexy Z33 from High Octane Tuners! |
B&W of Roger's GTI! |
Love this S2000! |
Love it! |
The Famous Lito from Team Rev! |
His award-winning classic Celica! |
Manny's Z33! |
A couple of cars from Endless Projects out supporting the toy drive! |
Loving the style! |
Tai's widebody M3! |
A representative from Final Stage |
Duy's 3 Series staying hydrated with the powerade and water :P |
A lot of quality cars came out to the toy drive! |
Euro Projects! |
Check out Roger's "racing medallion" lol |
Nick's Z33! |
So sick! |
*Drool* |
Woot! Hes a Sharks fan! |
Very clean Corolla! |
The Fatlace R35! (Credits goes to Ed V. from High Octane Tuners!) |
The Fatlace R35! (Credits goes to Ed V. from High Octane Tuners!) |
The Fatlace R35! (Credits goes to Ed V. from High Octane Tuners!) |
The Higher Echelon X Team Rev X High Octane Tuners (Credits goes to, once again, Ed V. from High Octane Tuners!) |
Hope you guys enjoyed the pictures! See you guys at the next meet!
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