Manny's Z33 Photoshoot (December 2012)

Driver: Emmanual C.
Car: 2003 Nissan 350z (Z33)
Color: Brickyard
Rims: Enkei ABC Eclusives
F 19 x 10.5 +10
R 19 x 12.5 +1

          Finding this spot to do the photoshoot was fun. We saw a picture of this local graffiti wall in San Jose but the source only gave a brief description of where it was exactly. We ended up using the buildings in the source photo to pin point the location. It was a bit of a tough spot to shoot because there were other objects around the wall that we did not want in the photo. But in the end they turned out great.

         We felt that this location and theme would fit the car well because Emmanual's (Manny's) Z has an urban feel to it. It also compliments Manny's overall style too. 

         One of the most interesting perspective of Manny's Z is that it took a Socal style and twisted it into something that represents the Bay. Littered across his car are a handful of stickers from various local shops and groups from the Bay Area. So it seemed fitting that we did a photoshoot at a local graffiti wall.

         You have probably seen this car around at the different meets and shows. Manny likes to come out and support all the local functions. If you see him around don't be shy, go say hi! Theres more to come from this car too, Manny already has more plans for this car so keep a look out for the changes in the future! Hope you enjoyed the results from our little photoshoot! There will be more interviews of local groups/teams and more photoshoots to come so stay tuned!

Photographer: Roger L.

Holiday Toy Drive & Car Charity Meet (December 1, 2012)

Happy December!

               This past weekend we were out to support a local toy drive. Located at Logan High School, we arrived there with our toys and hung out, talking to other teams, and eating from the food truck that was there. Despite the ugly weather, there was a decent turn out and the atmosphere was fun. We decided for this meet to decorate are cars a little bit for the holidays. We wanted to do something different and fun. We used Christmas lights on some cars and decorated others with garland, gift wrapped boxes, candy canes, stuffed animals, and ornaments. There were a lot of toys that were donated by all those who attended. I think there were over 5 tables full of toys with things ranging from hot wheels, Legos, clothing, sports equipment, and books. There were a handful of teams that came out to support, including Team Rev, High Octane Tuners, Onpoint, ATS Garage, Plus 1, Endless Projects, Euro Projects, Final Stage, LakofSpeed etc. There were a variety of cars too! We saw BMW's, Nissan's, Honda's, Acuras, Volkswagen's, Lexus's, Toyota's, and even a classic Porsche! Overall it we had a fun time and even got a chance to take a close look at the Fatlace R35! Here are some pictures taken at the event. Thanks to Duy Euro for all the pictures! Hope you enjoy them! 

                                                                                                                              - t.h.e.

The Higher Echelon showing our support at the Holiday Toy Drive :]

One segment of the donation table!
Onpoint doing it big! Check out their donation cart!
Bryan's MR2 has that holiday spirit!
Got Camber? Dave's V8 beast!
Ed's sexy Z33 from High Octane Tuners!
B&W of Roger's GTI!
Love this S2000!

Love it!
The Famous Lito from Team Rev!
His award-winning classic Celica!
Manny's Z33!

A couple of cars from Endless Projects out supporting the toy drive!
Loving the style!

Tai's widebody M3!
A representative from Final Stage

Duy's 3 Series staying hydrated with the powerade and water :P
A lot of quality cars came out to the toy drive!
Euro Projects!

Check out Roger's "racing medallion" lol
Nick's Z33!
So sick!
Woot! Hes a Sharks fan!
Very clean Corolla!
The Fatlace R35! (Credits goes to Ed V. from High Octane Tuners!)
The Fatlace R35! (Credits goes to Ed V. from High Octane Tuners!)
The Fatlace R35! (Credits goes to Ed V. from High Octane Tuners!)
The Higher Echelon X Team Rev X High Octane Tuners (Credits goes to, once again, Ed V. from High Octane Tuners!)

Hope you guys enjoyed the pictures! See you guys at the next meet!


Interview: Jessica Xiao (November 2012)

What's up players. 

          Recently had a chance to speak with the beautiful Jessica Xiao! We enjoyed a conversation about herself and her career. For those who are still wondering who she is, feel free to stop by her Facebook page and check her out!

                                                                                                                        - Bryan


Interviewer: Bryan Tu

Model: Jessica Xiao

Bryan: How did your modeling career begin?

Jessica: Well it's been happening since I was little my friend was a model and they'd be doing all these photo shoots and I’d be stuck helping out behind the camera, but what really got me started was my pageants. After doing pageants I got to travel to New York and met so many amazing people who worked in the photography industry and with that one picture it set me up to loving modeling etc. if that made sense hehe :3

Bryan: That makes a lot of sense!

Jessica: :3

Bryan: How did the pageants help you get to where you are today?

Jessica: Well I used to be against pageants, I still am secretly. But in the end built up my confidence to actually be myself, weird I know, but it made me who I am today.

Jessica: So it gave me the confidence to actually do shoots and after that it got me to help my self by networking meeting new people and so on and so on...

Bryan: Great!

Bryan: I see that you are starting to go by Simply Xiao and Fo Xiao, how did that come about?

Jessica: I'm still deciding what I shall call my self, as you can see simply Xiao I got that by living the simple things in life and the simpler the better (: I love to be simple. Fo Xiao would be because usually no one knows how to pronounce my last name, so it's like fo show but... Fo XIAO. (; And now I'm trying to be more simple by just keeping my name short Jess X. But I am still deciding haha I still can't find that right one that just might become known all around. :3

Bryan: What is your overall goal in the modeling scene?

Jessica: My overall goal is really many goals, one would be make a change, I know that might sound dumb but I've always wanted to help others but be able to encourage others to help as well. Second is to include encouraging girls that you can be anything you want, you don't need makeup or anything else. You can be your self and be beautiful. Last but not least to make amazing ART!!! <3

Bryan: How is the modeling world in your eyes? and where do you see it going?

Jessica: I think I see the modeling world as corrupt, yet tough competitive world. Where you get to meet many new faces, and find out these new faces just might be the right people to take you far. But I also see it other ways like the world is my playground. Depends on what you meant for the question.

Jessica: Where do I see it going? Hmmm I've always dreamed of getting up on billboards in china...etc nation wide, but for now I don't want to
be a bummer, but I really don't want to get my hopes up and dream too big.

Bryan: What was your most memorable photoshoot or event? and how has that helped or hindered you?

Jessica: Well all the shoots that I have done have been memorable, but if I had to choose I'd have to say shooting with The Higher Contrast. And why I say because I won't forget about his amazing portable studio, having fun as well as getting some great pointers to model from the photographer himself. (; For instance always keep your chin and neck far apart or else the shadows will make you have a double chin, and no one wants that.

Jessica: Oh and the whole time he was trying to catch my amazing burps on video... and in the end he actually did.

Bryan: That sounds like you had fun and learned quite a bit!

Bryan: Would you be willing to burp the ABC's for us?

Jessica: Haha I can try. I haven't done that in awhile xP I might embarrass my mother, she dislikes; it when I burp.

Bryan: Enough of the serious stuff! lets get down to the downright silly!

Bryan: What is your favorite color?

Jessica: Mmmmm it's hard to say because I like all the colors but I do like grey :3 even though it's not really a's a color in my world haha

Bryan: What is your favorite car?

Jessica: My favorite car...I'm so indecisive but I've been interested in muscle cars to mustangs to imports, well I've been really favoring Audi's since I saw an R8 driving in front of me. But they are too darn expensive just like the newer skylines. sigh* But I don't mind the simple cars like a Honda Civic or an Acura and fixing them bad boys up (;

Bryan:  Okay final question!

Bryan: Mac or PC?!

Bryan: Answer very carefully!

Jessica: Mac or this a trick question? 0-0

Jessica: Hahahah

Bryan: No, just a very controversial one

Jessica: I'm an indecisive person man 0-0 this is like you want to die or you want to die? hahahaha

Jessica: Cause I love, LOVE, the MAC designs but I'm used to PC, been using that my whole life but not hating on MAC's cause MAC's are amazing too (:... don't hate me hehe

Bryan: Thank you for your time Jessica!

Bryan: Any special shout outs?

Jessica: I'd love to shout out T.H.E. for asking me to do this and for helping me out since day 1 (: thank you. And always Rep-in FNCYstudios Love them to death and I got to thank them for making me so bootyful with their amazing work in photography THANK YOU!!!! And don't follow me on IG hehe cause I’m so cool @jess_fo_xiao23 jk jk follow me (; and keep up with my crazy self, also like my FB page doe (;

Jessica: And shout outs to all the support from everyone who believe in me... I thank you! Your support is the beginning of my success. And with all my photographers that I've been able to work with thank you, more projects to come. And hope soon to be published ones as well (;

Jessica: Sorry I wrote so much xD so much to say hahaha and no problem I love to help <3

Thank you again Jessica Xiao for taking the time out of her busy schedule to help us with this. To learn more about Jess feel free to check out her Facebook!

Stay tuned, don't forget, t.h.e., become unique _____________________________________________________________

All the credits for the photos used in this post goes to their respective photographers.

Follow her on Instagram: @jess_fo_xiao23

Show her some support! Like her Facebook page: